"The Geva Carmel Newsreels", short documentary films of news stories and current events, were introduced in the early 1950's in cinemas throughout Israel before the screening of the main feature film. For the next 23 years, as the new state of Israel grew and developed, these newsreels served as the exclusive form of news reporting in Israel during those years. When the Israeli television network was established in 1971 they came to an end. The heroes of these newsreels included the leaders of the generation and less well-known people as well. In this series, we return to those anonymous heroes who suddenly emerged from the sidelines for a brief moment, only to vanish back into oblivion. Their personal stories allow us to piece together a fascinating mosaic that tells the story of Israel. We will learn about the Israeli dream that we all had, what was brought to fruition and what was doomed to failure, and we will check if hope still remains.
Director: Ayelet Heller
Production company: Topia Communications
Producers: Michael Sharfshtein, Moshe Edery, Leon Edery
Broadcasters: Israel Broadcasting Authority, Israeli Television - Channel 1
Scriptwriter: Gidon Maron
Host: Moshe Ivgi
Research: Michael Alalu, Lee Nechushtan, Inbar Maor
DOP: Uri Akerman
Editing: Hadas Ayalon
Original music: Avik Barak
Yomanim (2011)